Our Mission

Central United Methodist Church exists to:  Love God, Love others and Serve the world


Our Mission is simple and based on the Great commandment (Matthew 22: 37-39) and Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) of Jesus.


We seek to fulfill our mission by meeting all where they are in order to make all fully committed disciples of Jesus Christ.

A fully committed disciple of Jesus Christ demonstrates an increasing love of God and others by: 

Participating in community with other Disciples of Christ

  • worships God weekly
  • participates regularly in a small group


Living to Serve others

  • serves people in the church
  • serves people in the community
  • serves people in the world

 Drawing others to Christ

  • Maintaining a list of unchurched friends with whom he or she relates in order to bring them to Christ and the church

Knowing and obeying Scripture

  • is involved in a disciplined and ongoing study of the Bible
  • can cite a recent change in thoughts, attitudes or behavior as a result of his or her Bible study


Our Beliefs

In his book Why I Am a United Methodist, our Bishop William Willimon writes:


I find that United Methodism has five great gifts to offer our troubled, but still blessed and beloved-by-God world:

(1) Stress on the need for a personal, experienced relationship with Christ.

(We can know Christ, not just know about him.)


(2) The need for structure, discipline, and form in meeting the challenges of living a Christian life today.

(Some things are too important to be left to chance.)


(3) The importance of lifelong journey and self-examination, assisted by others, in developing our lives in Christ.

(We can grow and be better people than we are right now.)


(4) The refusal to separate spiritual needs from human, material needs.

(God loves whole persons, not just detached “souls”.)


(5) The stress upon the church, its proclamation, sacraments, and other “ordinary means of grace” against our rampant individualism and subjectivism.

(Religion — the Christian one, that is — is not a private affair.)

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