Gail Hurst, a member of Central, founded this ministry in 1996. The principal purpose of HUGS is to fill the needs of members who are not being cared for by a Sunday School class or United Methodist Women.
Contact-Carol Ozier
If you would like to have Wednesday’s Loaves and Fishes Ministry dinner delivered to you, please contact our Office Manager.
HUGS has volunteers who will help with assorted needs:
- helps with household repairs for those who do not have other resources
- provides the funeral meal if a member of the church dies and does not belong to a small group or Sunday school
- takes communion to shut-ins and send get well and sympathy cards
- finds someone to transport a member to a doctor’s appointment
- (during the school year) provides take-out meals from the Wednesday church dinners with help from Loaves and Fishes and (in the summer), provide meals each Wednesday night to our shut-ins.
- assembles “care packages” including water, snacks, and activity books for members and their family in the hospital
- delivers the “care packages” twice a week
- assembles emergency lunches that are given to people who drop by our church in need of food
- contacts those members who have missed church three consecutive Sundays to check on them and see if they are in need of help or prayer.
HUGS is here to help anyone who has a need not met by another group.