Central United Methodist Church maintains a local and global perspective of God’s Kingdom by encouraging the people of CUMC to grow as devoted disciples for the purpose of being sent into the world to proclaim the gospel, the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ.
In addition to equipping and encouraging our people to go into the community and the world, the CUMC Missions Committee also reviews and approves financial support for a variety of local, national, and global missionaries and ministry programs.
Serve in the Community
Help West Decatur Students
West Decatur Elementary is quite thankful for the support we receive from CUMC. Here are a few ways you can help us this year. Please call the church office (256-353-6941) when you are available and want to help.
Reading Buddy – Some of our students need someone to help them with letters, sounds and reading. You can choose the age you would rather work with and commit to at least 30 minutes per week to come to West Decatur and work with a child.
Mentoring – Many of our students need a positive adult mentor to meet with them weekly to encourage them, and just spend some time with them, maybe just eating lunch and visiting with them.
Wonderful Wildcat Celebration sponsors – We will have four WW celebrations this year to honor children who have good behavior and use the 7 habits daily in leadership roles. Each celebration costs $75 dollars. Please decide if you, your Sunday school class, or small group can sponsor one of these.
Backpacks of Hope – This ministry provides food for hungry children to have on weekends. We began this ministry in Decatur at our church five plus years ago, and we currently pack 80+ bags of food on Wednesday nights that are distributed to 3 different schools weekly: West Decatur, Leon Sheffield, and Ben Davis. We have received many monetary donations for this ministry, and we are so grateful for those donations, because we use that money to buy the food each week.
In each bag, there is food for 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 2 dinners, and 4 snacks. The food items needed to fulfill these needs are (single servings please):
Salvation Army
If you have ANY clothing or shoes to donate, the Salvation Army is in great need this year. They are especially appreciative of cash donations if you have been extra-blessed this year. They will take clothes, old bedding, towels, pillows and rags and sell them for scrap, so don’t throw those away. Drop them off on 14th Street SW!
Thrift Store hours are Monday–Friday 9:00–5:00, Saturday 9:00-4:00 PM.
Donations of usable items may be dropped off between 9:00 & 4:00 PM. Donations of usable items may be dropped off between 9:00 & 4:00. Your generosity is so greatly appreciated!
Volunteer Center of Morgan Co.
Contact: Casey Coleman, 355-8628
Adopt a Teen for Christmas
Volunteers are needed to adopt local underprivileged teens for Christmas. Average cost is $125.00 per teen. You may make a monetary donation and we will shop or you may shop for your teen.
Holiday HopeChests Helpers
Volunteers are needed to help with our Holiday HopeChests Program. This shoe-box program is given to local agencies in Morgan County. You may make a monetary donation and we will shop or you may collect items for the shoe-boxes. This is for ages 1-17.
Additional Details: |
Warehouse Helper The CCC needs strong backs to unload donations. Any help between the hours of 8-12 and 1-3 during the week days would be appreciated.
Additional Details: |
Neighborhood Christian Center
Contact: Pamela Bolding, 351-7633
What’s needed: Client Days are on Monday & Wednesday from 9-11 AM. Our clients come to shop for food, clothes, household, and hygiene items. We always need volunteers to pray with and help shop with clients. After client days we can use help sorting, straightening and reorganizing rooms on Mondays & Wednesdays. We also go to the 3rd St Boys & Girls Club on Tuesday and can always use help tutoring, doing crafts, and visiting with the children. Tuesday has quite a few volunteers at this time. We have started going some on Monday & Thursday.
We also own a home in the Sunset Housing Development Area where we have a family living. We offer Backyard Bible Club where 30-40 children attend weekly (Wednesday 4-5 PM), along with a women’s ministry and middle school girls’ ministry and day camps in the summer. We always need snacks and meals for these ministries.
Other seasonal activities include:
NCC Summer Youth Program: We hire teens from the community we serve to train them to be urban missionaries. They go back into their neighborhoods sharing the Gospel with children through song, dance, crafts, drama, games and more. These teens also take several of the classes we teach and are involved in daily Bible study. We feed these teens Monday through Thursday for 7 weeks in the summer and can always use help with their lunches
Thanksgiving: We along with over 20 churches work together to provide a community wide Thanksgiving meal to those who are in need of a meal on Thanksgiving Day (meals on wheels clients, NCC clients, and others who call in for a meal). We can use help with prepping, delivering and serving these meals.
Christmas: We pair individuals, families, and groups up with families who are need of Christmas. For families across our area who do not get sponsored we offer 7 Christmas Toy Stores where they can shop for free for their children. At Christmas we need sponsors, workers for Christmas toy stores, refreshments and lots of gently used toy items, books, games, stuffed animals, new toys for ages birth to teens. We accept these items year round.
Committee on Church Cooperation
Contact: Gayle Monk, 256-355-8893
What’s needed:
- Clothing Needed! Girls and Boys Underwear, Men’s underwear, Women’s bras
- Shoes: larger sizes for men, women sizes 8-11
- Shoes for children, all sizes needed
- Ladies dresses needed
The CCC will pick up donations you can’t bring by car. They are always in need of items made of metal which can be sold as scrap, (like washing machines). They will pick any of these items up for you.
Support the CCC with food, clothing, household items, your time, your monetary donations. This is a local mission group we helped start, please keep supporting!
Thank you and may you know the love of God in your heart.
Of course volunteers can call and make it known they want to come on a certain day and help in some way and the staff will find something for the volunteer to help with.
Contact: Susan Roberts, 256-355-7252
Hospice of the Valley
Contact:Debbie McGregor
Mental Health Association
Contact: Susan Claborn, 353-1160, Main Office
Community Action Partnership
Contact: Cindy Anderson, 260-3108
There are many opportunities to become involved in ministry. Don’t be intimidated by the variety of choices. Contact the leaders of each ministry for more information. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded. -Jesus, as accounted in Matthew 28
Serve in the Church
There are many opportunities to serve right inside Central UMC. If you wish to serve, please contact the name of the person in charge of that group.
ChildrenContact:Alicia Mullican Children’s gathering time – Teach Sunday School – Children’s Church – Sunday Evenings – Wednesday Fellowship – Provide Snack Suppers – Wonderful Wednesdays – Nursery
College and MilitaryContact: Christy Talley Send college students notes – Send care packages – Host gatherings
50+ MinistryContact: Tina Wofford Participate In or assist with: – Weekly Bible Study
HUGSContact: Carol Ozier Delivering Wednesday night supper to shut-ins and homebound – Provide meals when needed – Hospital bag delivery – Short Term Sitter relief – Small errands, fix-its – Provide nursing home communion – Assemble emergency bag lunches
WorshipContact: Judy Simms Operate sound system – Communion preparation – Assist in serving communion – Prepare sanctuary with a team (Altar Guild) – Piano accompanist in worship – Piano accompanist for choir – Be an Acolyte – Usher – Adult choir Susan Thompson – Children’s Choir helper – Prepare kids’ worship bags
Susan Thompson – Read scripture in worship
Office HelpContact:Karen McCalla Weekday receptionist – Help with Mailings – Photograph church events |
YouthContact: David & Rosie Kross Attend a Bible Study – Attend Sunday School – For Leaders – Counselor for Sunday nights – Counselor for Wednesday nights – Teach a youth Bible study – Teach youth Sunday School – Provide Snack Suppers
AdultContact: Quay Lively Weekly Wesley Group – Attend Sunday school – Participate in Emmaus,72 hour retreat For Leaders – Teach a short term (6-10 week)
FellowshipStephen Ministries (Contact: Carol Ozier)
Loaves & FishesWednesday Night CafeContact: Sara Alice Godwin Tuesday-food preparation – Wednesday afternoon-cook – Wednesday night-clean-up
Come & GrowContact: Heather Bouchillon Deliver bread & jam to first
MissionsContact: Carolyn Dobson or Carol Ozier Volunteer at blood drive – Christmas shoeboxes for Honduras (Kathy Littrell) – Weekend mission trip – Extraordinary People Night, Backpacks of Hope (Melissa Penley) – Aid for special needs child (Jane Huff) – Meals on Wheels – PACT – Hospice of the Valley – Tutoring: – West Decatur Elem- Soup Kitchen (Tina Wofford)-Food for the Soul – Sue Mason |
Welcome Committee
The Welcome Committee is dedicated to our visitors and new members. We want to make our visitors feel right at home at Central with calls, gifts, and yummy bread and jam. After our visitors become new members, we do not want them to get lost in the crowd. Central is beginning a new member mentoring program that will pair new members with church members. This will allow our new members to learn how to get involved and be an active church member.
Contact Heather Bouchillon for information.
We can do better then these two in this video.
Prayer Team
There are several components to the Prayer Ministry:
- Submit prayer requests via email to the prayer ministers
- Be a part of the Prayer Team that will develop this ministry (meets on Tuesdays at 2:30 PM in the library)
- Be a Prayer Minister who receives prayer requests and prays.
If you have questions, please contact Katherine Hollingsworth